Monday, August 4, 2008

sticky notes...

It's real comfortable knowing that people you really care about will continue to stick around by your side regardless of your location being miles and miles away. The years thin past you so fast, and you deal with so many fairweather individuals that only want something from you for a hot minute just for their advantage. But you also gain impeccable bonds that in some cases will grow as you move up in the game. So basically, thank you Chicago for always making me feel like I'am at home everytime I come through, I can't spit enough how much it means to me.

I needed a day like today in a matter of desperation! It's a personally edgy time for me lately, where I'am just too damn tangled with too many questions surrounding my floorplan on my next move, and it's fucking scary, I cannot lie! Since I have been coming through Chi-town on a somewhat moderate basis since 2004, I still continue to have nothing but the most javinated spirit's towards all the friendships and support I recieve in the area time and time again. And I tend to bluff it up sometimes when I say that I will use a certain expierience as an example, but only find myself to curb it and become really bratty in my structure, but once again, I 'am determined to give it another shot. Tonight only makes me look foward to coming home and just really appreciate what waits for me when I tend to get lost with my insight on what really matters. I look foward to finding my way back home geographically and most importantly, personally!

P.S. - I wear sleeves on summer nights on a main condition. Night time reaks of bitey insects, and mild breezes. Do I look fresh? Yes! But is that my main motive? Not in this case. So when you see your friend sassed up in a fresh sweater on a summer night, compliment them for their common sense, and theeennnn their style sense! It's not a bad thing, I swear!

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